About Me

I write about the nature, history, and culture of California.

My articles are in Smithsonian, High Country News, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, and Estuary NewsMy essays appear alongside the work of Barbara Kingsolver, Terry Tempest Williams, Edward Abbey, and Anne Lamott in Travelers' Tales anthologies.

I am the author of Ina Coolbrith: The Bittersweet Song of California's First Poet Laureate, a bronze medal winner for biography from the 2016 Independent Publishers Book Awards. A seasoned speaker at more than fifty events, I was featured on C-Span’s BookTV, KTVU Fox2, and the popular podcast, East Bay Yesterday.

I was a writer-in-residence at New York’s Blue Mountain Center, a participant in the Squaw Valley Community of Writers in 2005 and 2010, and an inaugural recipient of the Alan Jutzi Fellowship for Non-Traditional Scholars at the Huntington Library in San Marino.

My mission as a writer is to bring my love of history, awe of the natural world, and training as a geographer to my work. I graduated with honors from San Francisco State University, where I fell in love with physical and cultural geography. 

I am currently at work on a book about how the San Francisco Bay shaped Jack London, once one of the most popular writers in the world.